Culture and values

We believe that energized people, working well together, fueled by great leadership, in an environment in which they thrive, will do phenomenal things. We also believe our employees should reflect the rich diversity of the global populations we aim to serve—in race, ethnicity, gender, age, cultures, and beliefs—and we support this diversity through all of our employment practices.

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At the Gates Foundation, we are guided by five core values. Each value has three aspirational behaviors associated with it. These behaviors describe what the values look like in our everyday work. We aim for a degree of healthy tension and balance across the collection of behaviors, not over-using one to the detriment of another.

  • Optimism. We are impatient optimists by nature: we see the glass as half full and are motivated to confront problems that others consider impossible to solve.

    Optimism inspires and empowers others to contribute, treats change and new situations as opportunities for learning and growth, and establishes challenging goals and offers understanding if we don’t meet them.

  • Collaboration. We recognize that our resources and abilities are only a small part of what is needed to achieve our goals and that our impact is greater when we work with others.

    To achieve collaboration, we work to establish healthy relationships by helping people feel respected, valued, trusted, and included. We work to model transparency and openness to build trust. We proactively seek and offer timely, relevant feedback, acting as one global foundation to enhance outcomes.

  • Rigor. We pursue our mission with focus, discipline, and rigor to maximize our impact.

    To embody rigor, we think critically, admit and repair mistakes, and challenge our own assumptions and conclusions. We identify specific measurable outcomes, then track and deliver results. We avoid complexity when it’s not productive.

  • Innovation. We believe that many of the most intractable problems can be solved only through creative and innovative solutions.

    To promote innovation, we draw upon diverse sources for inspiration. We create freedom to experiment and take risks, in the interest of finding a better way. We demonstrate a solutions orientation, and initiate action on ideas.

  • Inclusion. We define inclusion as an environment that actively welcomes, connects, and values all, while harming none.

    This means we actively seek, involve, and listen to broad, diverse points of view. We initiate appropriate action when people are being marginalized or excluded. We continuously learn and adapt to multiple cultures and styles.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

We believe we can only achieve our goals by weaving DEI into everything we do.

Read our DEI Commitment Statement

Visit our DEI page to learn more

Shared expectations and accountability

Shared expectations and accountability

Everyone at the foundation is responsible for making this a great place to work. Our foundation culture affects what we are able to achieve in the world, what we do, and how we do it, both with our colleagues internally and our external partners. We want every employee to feel a sense of belonging and contribute at their highest potential. Our shared expectations and accountability as employees, managers, and leaders are reflected in our Code of Conduct and our Conflict of Interest Policy.

Community involvement

Community involvement

While we work globally, we recognize the value of our employees taking action in their own communities. Our Foundation Cares program helps our employees connect with local organizations and find ways to contribute as volunteers, board members, or guest speakers.

We offer a 3:1 match for employee charitable giving and volunteering, including board service. Our community grants, grantee site visits, speakers bureau, and events throughout the year offer our employees many opportunities to develop relationships with organizations working on issues they personally care about.