Duncan Steele

Duncan Steele

Deputy Director, Global Health

Dr. Duncan Steele, deputy director and strategic lead for enteric vaccines in the Enteric and Diarrheal Diseases team, is responsible for an integrated portfolio of vaccine research and development and implementation strategies for the control of diarrhea and enteric fever in vulnerable populations. He coordinates teams across Vaccine Development and Vaccine Delivery for improved and new vaccines against rotavirus, cholera, typhoid fever, enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) and Shigella spp.

Before starting at the foundation in October 2011, Duncan was senior technical advisor at PATH, a global health non-profit organization, where he worked across multiple diarrhea vaccine-related programs, including the Rotavirus Vaccine Program focused on disease burden and clinical trials in Africa and Asia; and in vaccine development for new alternative rotavirus vaccines; and for vaccines against ETEC and Shigella. Previously, as a scientist at the Initiative for Vaccine Research, Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, World Health Organization, Duncan was responsible for the diarrheal disease vaccines portfolio, where he coordinated a global strategic agenda for vaccine research for the major diarrheal and enteric diseases.

Duncan is a South African trained microbiologist with extensive experience in virology and microbiology, especially for diarrheal diseases, and has mentored students and postgraduates across the African continent. He is the author of more than 270 scientific publications on diarrheal diseases, epidemiology, clinical research and vaccine development.

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