Gail Rodgers

Gail Rodgers

Deputy Director, Pneumonia

Gail Rodgers leads the foundation’s efforts to support the development of next-generation, low-cost pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) and the rollout of meningococcal conjugate vaccines, as well as the assessment of alternate PCV dosing strategies and the impact of PCVs in countries served by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. She also leads efforts to understand the role of household air pollution on pneumonia in children.

Her earlier roles at the foundation include leading the pneumococcus and meningococcus initiatives. She oversaw a grant portfolio that supported the development of the first low-cost PCV by Serum Institute of India to ensure sustainability of PCV programs in Gavi countries.

Before joining the foundation, Gail worked as senior director of scientific affairs, vaccines, at Wyeth and Pfizer, where she led the strategy to introduce pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in emerging markets.

Gail received her doctorate in medicine from Temple University School of Medicine. She completed her pediatric residency and pediatric infectious diseases fellowship at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, where she served as attending physician and associate professor for nine years.

See articles by Gail Rodgers

A child receives a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) from an Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Worker in Madhya Pradesh, India. The PCV protects against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria that all cause pneumococcal disease.

Time well spent: The complex journey of a life-saving vaccine

The story of how a life-saving vaccine called PCV was rolled out to every child in India—in record time, at low cost, and during a pandemic—illustrates what’s possible in global health.
By Gail Rodgers Deputy Director, Pneumonia

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