Global Delivery Programs

Our goal
To improve the delivery of health products and services and promote health system innovations so countries can significantly reduce maternal and child mortality, improve disease control, and advance health equity.
A baby in Kenya receives a routine immunization at a county hospital.

At a glance

  • To meet their ambitious health goals, low- and middle-income countries must dramatically increase the impact of every dollar they spend on health care. This requires improving primary health care systems as well as expanding the reach of key health commodities and interventions.
  • We support more than 10 program teams across the foundation in tackling health delivery challenges involving some 90 products, from vaccines and drugs to contraceptives and diagnostic tools.
  • We work to empower country governments to sustainably finance and manage their primary health care systems so they can provide more equitable, high-quality care that meets the needs of their entire population.
  • In implementing solutions and interventions, we aim to give greater agency to women, who play crucial roles in promoting health as mothers, patients, nurses, and community health workers.
Our strategy

Our strategy

The Global Delivery Programs team focuses on helping health systems significantly improve their performance and expand the reach and impact of products. This involves gaining deep knowledge of how health systems function, how markets for health products are created and shaped, and what influences how people gain access to these health products and services.

In all of our work, we aim to give greater agency to women, who play crucial roles in promoting health as mothers, patients, nurses, and community health workers.

A health worker prepares to vaccinate a young child at a health center in Vellore, India
A health worker prepares to vaccinate a young child at a health center in Vellore, India.
Areas of focus

Areas of focus

We work to empower country governments to sustainably finance and manage their primary health care systems so they can provide more equitable, high-quality care that meets the needs of their entire population, particularly women, children, and the most vulnerable. We carry out this work in partnership with global financing mechanisms (including Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; the Global Financing Facility, the World Bank, Unitaid, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria), technical organizations (including the World Health Organization and UNICEF), bilateral agencies, regional institutions, the private sector, and civil society organizations. We foster alignment and collaboration among all these stakeholders to strengthen country health systems and expand access to lifesaving vaccines, medicines, and interventions.

We support more than 10 program teams across the foundation in tackling health delivery challenges involving some 90 products, including vaccines, drugs, contraceptives, and diagnostic tools. We help them quickly and efficiently scale up delivery of innovative products, and we link them with implementing partners and funders.

We serve as a laboratory of innovation to identify new approaches to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of health systems and primary care delivery. Priorities include vaccine coverage and health system reforms (including integration with the private sector), expanding coverage of basic services, building the health care workforce, and ensuring the quality and availability of services and products.

We continually pursue data and insights on health system users, markets for health commodities, and health system performance. This knowledge helps us guide our partners and other foundation teams in identifying priorities and opportunities and formulating strategies.

Why focus on global delivery?

Why focus on global delivery?

Most low- and middle-income countries lack the funding, technical expertise, institutional capacity, and market intelligence to achieve widespread coverage of basic health services, much less meet their ambitious targets for reducing maternal and child mortality and controlling disease. The most effective way to improve outcomes in this environment of scarcity is to generate “more health for the money” by improving health system performance, developing higher-impact tools and solutions, and building robust markets and distribution channels for crucial health commodities.

We are committed to understanding how complex health systems work, how people access services, and how the public and private sectors shape markets for health goods. We see a critical opportunity to examine health system performance in a comprehensive way and apply an innovative mindset to every aspect of health care delivery, from health system governance and financing to technology solutions, staffing and management, facilities, supply chains, markets, and consumer demand and behaviors.

A pharmacist discusses medication with a customer at an urban public health center in Kaduna State, Nigeria
A pharmacist discusses medication with a customer at an urban public health center in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Strategy leadership

Strategy leadership