Global action to end the COVID-19 crisis

COVID-19 vaccine doses are delivered in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
COVID-19 vaccine doses are delivered in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Photo by Truong Viet Hung/UNICEF Viet Nam

Vaccinate now

  1. Mobilize governments to work with pharmaceutical companies and national regulators to achieve more transparent global production planning, regulatory coordination, and sharing of COVID-19 vaccine doses to increase global supply and achieve global and national targets.
    1. Develop a consolidated global dashboard of vaccine production, availability, and transportation that is updated in real time and includes all countries and all procurement channels.
    2. Ensure equitable procurement and allocation of the existing supply of vaccines and syringes.
    3. Direct regulators to collaborate in real time to ensure that vaccine approvals are rigorous and coordinated and that countries with limited regulatory capacity are not left behind.
    4. Convene governments and companies to address logistical and liability barriers to accelerating 2021 dose donations from Group of Seven (G7) countries to lower-income countries.
  1. Finance COVID-19 vaccine supplies and delivery for the lowest-income countries.
    1. Commit sufficient funding and doses to ensure that the lowest-income countries have access to enough free COVID-19 vaccines to achieve and maintain global and national immunization targets.
    2. Ensure that this commitment includes: 1) up-front rapid disbursements, to maximize value for vaccine procurement, 2) urgent support for delivery preparedness, and 3) consideration of the roles of COVAX and regional and bilateral procurement mechanisms in reaching overall coverage targets.
Manager at the national vaccine store sorting vaccines for distribution in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Manager at the national vaccine store sorting vaccines for distribution in Lilongwe, Malawi. ©UNICEF/Moving Minds
  1. Amplify country efforts to urgently deliver vaccines to people—alongside other tools and response needs—by boosting financial, operational, and technical support as well as community engagement.
    1. Increase harmonized support to countries to facilitate their access to global, regional, and national financial, operational, and technical resources that can help them accelerate vaccine uptake and support overall COVID response.
    2. Mobilize “whole of government” approaches to the planning, management, and monitoring of vaccination programs (including reporting to top government leadership) and include “whole of society” engagement in close partnership with community, civic, and religious leaders.
    3. Increase data transparency and the use of tools that provide end-to-end visibility from product manufacturer to individuals.

Contain the disease

  1. Create a global system for disease monitoring and outbreak prevention that includes rapid testing, information sharing, and real-time analysis to track surges and variants.
    1. Rapidly ramp up financing and technical assistance for an integrated network of national systems that expands genomic sequencing, lab capacity, and digital data integration to track the COVID-19 pandemic around the world in real time.
    2. Transition over time to ongoing assessments of population immunity using platforms that are resourced to monitor COVID-19 prevalence alongside other priority infectious diseases and can be used in potential future pandemics.
Doctorate students work in a Genomics Lab in Hyderabad, India.
Doctorate students work in a Genomics Lab in Hyderabad, India. ©Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Prashant Panjiar
  1. Ensure global support for rapid response to outbreaks, including timely deployment of expert support, supplies, and commodities.
    1. Organize a network of epidemiological and logistical rapid response teams to address major outbreaks or changes in COVID-19.
    2. Ensure that action plans are in place and that integrated procurement facilities exist to rapidly deploy emergency frontline supplies to hotspots as needed and fill gaps before existing health system financing can be fully mobilized for sustained support.
    3. Mobilize the private sector to help fill any gaps in critical response tools and supplies and to support innovative solutions that reduce lead times (e.g., for oxygen delivery, liquid oxygen production, and engineers to repair pressure swing adsorption oxygen plants).
  1. Design pandemic response R&D and manufacturing agendas to ensure that the right tools are developed to keep up with the evolution of the virus and other potential threats.
    1. Direct key public research agencies to develop a coordinated global R&D roadmap to stay ahead of COVID-19 evolution and emerging threats (e.g., by investing in antiviral products that can be widely deployed in a crisis as vaccines and other tools are developed and by continually improving mRNA and other vaccine platforms that can be deployed against any viral threat).
    2. Scale up government and international funding for R&D to address knowable threats.
    3. Expand global manufacturing capacity to ensure sufficient future global supply of vaccines, in line with the leadership and vision of low- and middle-income countries, and include financing of novel platforms such as modular, flexible manufacturing technologies.
Executive Director at Motire Occupational Safety and Health Solutions (MOSHS), uses a diagnostic instrument to test for COVID-19 in Thika, Kenya.
Executive Director at Motire Occupational Safety and Health Solutions (MOSHS), uses a diagnostic instrument to test for COVID-19 in Thika, Kenya. ©Gates Archive

Coordinate global response

  1. Encourage all governments and key global organizations to appoint a COVID-19 global lead who reports to the head of the government or organization and regularly convenes alongside other leads to advance global progress through 2022.

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