Katherine Jones

Katherine Jones

Deputy Director, Insights

Katherine (Kat) Jones leads a team that delves into complex systems, human behavior, geospatial data, modeling, analytics, and storytelling to generate insights that improve the delivery of primary health care, immunizations, and life-saving products to vulnerable populations, especially women and children in low-income settings. The team’s work often involves reframing seemingly intractable problems to gain a new understanding that clarifies a way forward.

Before joining the foundation in 2020, Kat served as the director of strategy and missions for the Design Institute for Health, a radical collaboration between the Dell Medical School and the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. Earlier, she founded and led Milkshake, a strategy and brand consultancy that created and shaped brands that build community. Trained as a medical illustrator, Kat works to understand complex concepts and then translate them into a story that many can comprehend.

Kat graduated from the University of Michigan with a BFA in fine arts and a BGS in zoology and earned an M.A. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in biological and medical illustration.

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