Research summary: The Impacts of Digital Financial Services on Women’s Economic Empowerment

The Financial Services for the Poor program works to advance financial inclusion by expanding the availability of low-cost digital financial services. Our strategy includes accelerating the development of digital payment and identity systems, advancing gender equality to ensure that women share in the benefits of financial inclusion, and supporting the development of national and regional strategies that provide replicable models.

We developed a document that summarizes the relationship between access to digital financial services and women’s economic empowerment. Topics include the mechanisms through which that access can help expand the breadth of women’s support networks, expedite transfers during periods of need, empower women to enter the work force or switch to more productive occupations, and lead to other positive outcomes. The document draws on studies from multiple countries—including Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Uganda, Niger, Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania—as well as development economics literature.

View The Impacts of Digital Financial Services on Women’s Economic Empowerment

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